At ATTIKKAL we make your projects a reality, we make ornamental fountains, fountain and garden lighting, waterfalls, vertical gardens, etc.; with specialized personnel and personalized advice, because we believe that each client has different needs and our goal is always to follow the guidelines and preferences of each one.

In our project of rehabilitation and commissioning of the Aquatic Fountain of the Plaza del Carmen; we worked together with the UTE Plaza del Carmen from the realization of the project to its execution, installations at the aquatic and electrical level with 44 RGB LED lights, using all 316 stainless steel pipes, as well as the suportación and joints with space resin, domotic control being able to regulate the height and intensity of the jets depending on the wind and avoiding splashes to pedestrians and vehicles, as well as regulating the play of lights of different colors, ie, aquatic and lighting effects from the mobile and from the central office of the City Council. All 100% ATTIKKAL being the result a cybernetic fountain installed in an elliptical pond of 10 meters wide by 25 meters long approximately. If you liked it and you are interested, please contact us.